Peristaltic Pumps

Peristaltic Metering Pumps (Peristaltic Dosing Pumps) deliver precision fluid metering and accurate dispensing with a wide range of control capabilities. Peristaltic pumps have a gentle, nearly pulsation-free pumping action that makes them ideal for difficult-to-pump fluids such as gaseous chemicals, shear-sensitive fluids, viscous slurries and solids, and fluids with low moisture levels.

How Do Peristaltic Pumps Work?

Peristaltic pumps (hose or tube pumps) are a type of positive displacement pump that work using progressive squeezing action. Fluid is pumped through flexible tubing in a peristaltic motion. As the pump’s rotor turns, the roller assembly rollers squeeze the tubing to force the fluid through the discharge line.

When the squeeze pressure is released, the tube rebounds to its original state, creating a vacuum and drawing fluid into the suction side of the pump. The combination of suction and discharge principles produces a powerful yet gentle pumping action.

How do peristaltic pumps work? Peristaltic pumps work using progressive squeeze action.