Worldwide General Purpose Three-Phase Rigid Base Motor 2 HP 1800 RPM
Product Features:
- 208-230/460 volt
- TEFC enclosure
- 1.15 service factor
- 115/208-230 volt
- Class F insulation
- Premium effeciency
- VPI copper windings
- Anti-rust film applied to rotor
- Improved shaft seal on drive-end protects drive-end bearing from moisture and contaminants
- Inverter rated, 4:1 CT / 10:1 VT
- Suitable for 50 hz operation with 1.0 service factor
Technical Specs for Model #NATE2-18-56
HP: 2
RPM: 1800
Voltage: 208-230/460
Frame: 56
FL Amps (A): 2.96
FL Eff. (%): 86.5